My Page of Photos

Friends - HHS

BRHS-Freshman Year @ HU (fall 1997 - spring 2000)

Current (fall 2000 - now)

- my friends at HHS Homecoming (Nov.) 1996, in my old school (L-R Melody, Devin, Jess)
- me with Jess, my "twin" -> see why? (no, no relation, I didn't even know her 'til my sophomore year) prom night (we couldn't go), June 1997
- Devin ([ex-]1st bf/friend) my soph (his jr.) year (age 16, Oct. 1996)
. . . just kidding. click on it for the "slug"'s
real (if old) class picture
- Thomson (ex/friend) on an Interact (volunteer) trip his before jr. year (summer 1996)