My Page of Games

some are cool, some are fun, and most are great for annoying others

Roses, Petals

You will need:
-dice (at least 2)
-a tolerant friend (or just someone you want to annoy)
How to play:
Well, I have to let you figure out the pattern yourself before I let you annoy others with it. The point of the game is to figure out the pattern. It's so easy once you get it you'll be really annoyed with yourself for not getting it sooner. Until then, though, it makes a great challenge. Again, I can't just tell you the pattern. That would be way too easy. Besides, it's against game rules. But I'll give you enough hints you can figure it out. Here goes!:
1) Look at the patterns
2) A roll with a two, a one, and a five has 2 roses and 4 petals
3) A roll with a six and two fours has 0 roses and 0 petals
4) A roll with three threes has 3 roses and 6 petals
5) A roll with a one, a four, and a five has 2 roses and 4 petals
6) Think of how a rose is arranged
7) Petals live on roses (no roses=no petals)
8) There will always be an even number of petals (0 to [4 x # of dice])
9) Roses always have stems
10) Still clueless? Don't worry, you'll catch on. If you need to you can email me for more hints. My address is


... (Not my code, and it was too long ago for me to find the original again. But it's still fun.)

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